miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter

>>The executive summary<<

The purpose of this document  is to provide recommendations to Pemex Consulting on using social media sites, specifically Facebook and Twitter, for both external and internal communications.  Pemex has expressed concern with 'user security' when using social media, and has asked that iCarnegie research these concerns.  For this research ‘user security’ is defined as the level of accessibility to information available to unintended recipients. 

The recommendations is that Facebook be used for internal communications, and that Twitter be used for external communications. This is because Facebook has user security settings that allow for information to be accessible to specific recipient groups, while Twitter has less ability to customize settings, which limits information distribution to specified groups of users. 
While using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter will undoubtedly add value to the business, Pemex must be careful to implement policies, education and process in an attempt to reduce the accidental distribution of sensitive company information to unintended and inappropriate audiences. 

>>Using Facebook in the enterprise<<

Meeting dates, and lasagendas records can
easy recording on facebook.

Events can have many administrators for the management and updating of information of events.

The list here on facebook can mostrarsolo people invited to the event.

The list can show only to people who have been cited
the event to do or may be events where public where anyone
appointment may share the event and invite others.

  The only condition to invite other people is that they must be in the user's friends list and, therefore, must have an active Facebook account.

This feature of the events allows users to create events showing the meeting date and time, location, guest list, RSVP options, the opportunity to comment on the case, ask questions, and provide a description of the event.

We may also use the notes that can be published and written
in user profiles and sharing this such information travez
other people just tagging.

This is a way of communicating the meetings, schemes and ideas of the employees of the company Pemex.

In addition, a Facebook user can send a mass message and all beneficiaries have the opportunity to respond to all members of that message.

This user security configuration allows information to be given, and dialogue to be exchanged without prying eyes or unwanted viewers. Attachments and images can be included in these messages and they can be sent to mobile devices to ensure constant communication, even when employees are out of the office and in the field.

The use of Twitter in the enterprise

On twitter there is a characteristic of peermite creating new lists which can be events , signed and invitations , but these will have to be sent as direct messages .

The function in twitter in user security issue to see other guests not
travez available to social networking site .

One of the advantages of twitter on facebook in external communication in which the information is easily accessible to all and that specializes facebook
internal communications .

The company profiles are easy to find in the search bar of the website.

A viewer does not have to be signed when viewing Twitter profiles. Due to the character limit for each tweet , concise overview .

 The people who publish content have the ability to add links to other web sites , upload photos and add locations .

People who play games (eg treasure hunts in the neighborhoods ) with Twitter are able to upload photos , locations and provide real-time messages about what they are doing.

I used Twitter for a treasure hunt in San Francisco and this allows real- time communication between competing groups as well as public relations and marketing instant .

Several of my posts are tweeted by users , so that the information is transmitted quickly if it is of interest to others.

This user safety feature promotes quick and universal access to information , people and specific vertical . For example , Twitter uses its own platform for recruitment ( http://twitter.com/ #! / JoinTheFlock ) .

 The theme provides a brief description of what messages will be approximately one source of information, and a link to a YouTube video . Keywords dial allows the user to search for information and topics that are relevant to them .

>>Using Twitter in the enterprise<<

En twitter se tiene una caracteristica de peermite la creacion de nuevas listas donde pueden ser eventos, suscritos e invitaciones, pero estas tendran que ser enviada como mensajes directos.

La funcion en twitter en el tema de seguridad del usuario de ver otros invitados no 
esta disponible a travez del sitio de las redes sociales.

Una de las ventajas de twitter sobre facebook en la comunicación externas en que la informacion sea facilmente accesible para todos ya que facebook se especializa
en las comunicaciones internas.

Los perfiles de las empresas son faciles de encontrar en la barra de busqueda de la web.

Un espectador no tiene que ser firmado con Twitter durante la visualización de perfiles. Debido a la limitación de caracteres para cada tweet, información general concisa.

 Las personas que publican contenido tienen la posibilidad de añadir enlaces a otros sitios web, subir fotos y añadir ubicaciones.

Las personas que participan en juegos (por ejemplo, búsquedas del tesoro en los barrios) con Twitter son capaces de subir fotos, sus ubicaciones y proporcionar mensajes en tiempo real sobre lo que están haciendo. 

He utilizado Twitter durante una búsqueda del tesoro en San Francisco y esto permite la comunicación en tiempo real entre grupos en competencia, así como las relaciones públicas y el marketing instantáneos. 

Varios de mis posts se tweeted por otros usuarios, por lo que la información se transmite rápidamente si es de interés para terceros. 

Esta característica de seguridad de usuario promueve el acceso rápido y universal a la información, la gente y verticales específicos. Por ejemplo, Twitter utiliza su propia plataforma para la contratación (http://twitter.com/ #! / JoinTheFlock).

 El lema ofrece una breve descripción de lo que los mensajes serán aproximadamente, una fuente de información adicional, y un enlace a un vídeo de YouTube. Palabras clave de marcado permite a una búsqueda del usuario para obtener información y los temas que son relevantes para ellos.

Let me tell you about the differences that have Facebook and Twitter, having knowledge about the history of each time to their respective advantages of disadvantages of these two social networks had an impact on society and business.

>>Differences between facebook and twitter<<

Both networks twitter and facebook are 2.0, meaning that unlike 1.0 where the user is only related to the computer, now is related to other users.

This interactivity defined as such. However, both twitter and facebook stand for their differences.

The most popular is undoubtedly facebook with over 350 million users worldwide. For its part, boasts 58 million twitter users, substantial number, which seems to bother to Mark Zuckerberg, the young founder of Facebook with only 25 years is considered the most media person of the year, as reflected in the world press.

One of the features of twitter is a continuous exchange of information in different formats: video links, photos and graphics.

This is also perfectly viable alternative on facebook, but bookeros tend to comment more events related to the personal life.

 This behavior is based on this network was created to share information between people who know in real life, however on twitter the idea is to globalize the timeline, ie personal page where we see the updates of contacts follow.

It is said that the public facebook belongs to a wide swath: is of all ages, professions, tastes and colors, which is a real achievement for application developers.

 On the other hand, most tweeters are between 25 and 50 and is related to communication racing, design and of course all those that have to do with technology.

This earned twitter being labeled "elitist", but since the company has already explained several times that users tend to use it as a tool.


Facebook (NASDAQ) is a social networking site created by Mark Zuckerberg founded by Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Originally a site for students of Harvard University, but is open to anyone with an email account.

In mid-2007 launched versions in French, German and Spanish translated by users in unpaid work, 7principalmente to boost its expansion outside the United States, since its users are concentrated in the United States, Canada and the UK. Facebook has over 900 million members, and translations into 70 languages​​. In October 2012, Facebook reached 1000 million users, of which there are over 600 million mobile users. Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States are the countries with more usuarios.10

Its main infrastructure consists of a network of more than 50,000 servers using distributions of GNU / Linux using LAMP.

On April 9, 2012 it was announced that Facebook acquired Instagram for one billion dollars.


1.-You can do several things at once
2.-can be considered a means of communication
3.-The method sets serve as entertainment
4.-Because publications and that you used to know people more thoroughly
5.-You can share photos and videos with family and friends but are away
6.-You know more people
7.-you identify with groups of your interest
8.-I used to look for people who have long left to see and so perhaps reestablish communication with such persons
9.-If you have msn also a good option to use the chat
10.-In most facebook games (farmville typical, happy pets, happy aquarium etc etc) what more is put into practice is the managing and investing to prosper and this is good practice in games for practice after the daily life.


1.-The games pc Encourage a little or you work a little youtube if it's running, unless you count a modernona pc and high speed internet.
2.-A no chore sometimes people add you and people who make things look or ask sooo uncomfortable.
3.-If you do not put your profile private and you personalize it, everyone can see your information and in a way that can be dangerous.
4.-At times you enter and you are going out there without realizing
5.-Some comments on photos videos and states can encolerizarnos
6.-Many are lost in games, and as there are things in games that are bought with REAL money, they spend their money as stupid as they are only cartoons on a pc or an animated image: S
7.-If you stick hi5 music is not like that then begin to play then in facebook you have to manually turn on the music: (
8.-Even if you are not chatting Connect with others can know you're there: S
9.-The chat is a bit more time consuming than meebo msn etc.



Twitter is a microblogging service, based in San Francisco, California, with branches in San Antonio Texas and Boston (Massachusetts) in the United States. Twitter, Inc. was originally established in California, but is under the jurisdiction of Delaware since 2007. Since Jack Dorsey created it in March 2006, and launched in July of the same year, the network has gained popularity worldwide and is estimated to have over 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 daily search requests. It has been dubbed as the "SMS of Internet". Among its members had outstanding public figures as Barack Obama, actors like Danny DeVito, musicians like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and other world famous.

The network can send plain text messages short length, with a maximum of 140 characters, called tweets, which are shown in the user's home page. Users can subscribe to other users' tweets - this is called "following" and subscribers users are called "fans", "followers" and sometimes tweeps ('Twitter' + 'peeps' rookies followers yet have made many tweets). By default, messages are public and can spread only showing them privately about certain followers. Users can tweet via Web service with external official applications (such as for smartphones), or by Short Message Service (SMS) available in certain countries. While the service is free, accessing it through SMS behaves support fees set by the mobile phone provider.


1. It is generally a simple tool once you overcome the first impression;

2. Constantly dynamic, not only for the replies, but by the RT and even Trending Topics;

3. Having a multiplicity of applications that enable expansion;

4. It is, in itself, a catchy name a lot more catchy logo;

5. It is relatively editable, allowing customization to suit the user. More editing, more comfort.


1. It became popular very quickly, leading to a depletion of content (which was innate but is enhanced);

2. Twitter leads to less and write abbreviate to reach more than 140 characters;

3. Breeding ground for spammers, which usually come in English (and factory bad);

4. The default language is English Twitter, users having Spanish-speaking;

5. Lack of tools to include common user to this new system.

Knowing the characteristics of advantages of disadvantages of facebook and twitter, it is considered good condition to work in the company PEMEX, and have better performance work with Facebook.



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